Cyber Forensics

A prominent branch of Forensic Science, Cyber Forensic refers to extraction and analysis of data from computers and digital storage media. The information thus gathered is presented in such a way that it becomes legally acceptable by a court of law.


There are various types of Cyber Forensic investigation, some of which may include:

  • Data forensics
  • Network forensics
  • Web forensics
  • Email forensics
  • Digital forensics
  • System forensics


An ideal Cyber Forensic investigation is conducted through various phases, outlined as below:

  • Securing the computer system

This phase emphasises on keeping the computer in safe hands, away from unauthorized personnel. Best detectives in India practice extra caution in keeping the computer system in the right place.

  • Thorough System Search

A professional detective is required to locate each and every file on the computer system – this includes the encrypted files as well. A copy of all files should be made, leaving the original ones intact. All forensic work should be done on these copied files.

  •  Recovery of Deleted files

Cyber Forensic investigators are required to recover maximum no. of file deleted in the system, as these may serve as strong evidence.

  • Detection & Recovery of Hidden Files

Detectives are strongly advised to uncover all hidden files and extract & save the data stored therein in a safe storage media.

  • Access to Protected files

Detective agencies are required to extract all protected files, decode their passwords and gain access to the information stored inside.

  • Thorough Analysis of Unallocated space

Computer hard drives may have unallocated space, also called unused space. This portion requires thorough analysis as one may find some files which may contribute as crucial evidence in a case.

  • Procedure Documentation

It is important for every Detective Agency in India or a forensic agency to document each and every step/method of the forensic procedure. This is required as a proof indicating that the original information on the computer system remained unchanged during the investigation.

Various Private detective agencies in Delhi and pan India have the required resources to provide such services, which eventually are used in the court of law to solve cases of diverse nature.

Some Investigation Services in India also outsource these services to forensic agencies, who conduct the investigation with utmost technical expertise & professionalism.

Frequent Asked Question's

Q. How to become a Private Detective?

To become a Private Detective, it is important to have the right frame of mind and temperament. Operating as a detective is a risky job, so one must have a clearly focussed, vigilant and well targeted approach to all assignments.

Above all, an operative should have patience, good IQ level, strong presence of mind and a positive attitude – the qualities form the backbone of a good detective.

Q. What should one keep in mind when hiring a Detective Agency?

The most important aspect required for opting for a detective is TRUST.

One can build on trust by shortlisting some of the well-established & reputed agencies operating in the city. Some online search may be required to gather information about the past performance, years of existence, reviews and testimonials, which can be of great help on choosing the detective agency most suited to an individual’s requirements.

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